
本次研討會將邀請腫瘤醫學專家 Dr.Herbert Loong ,分享液態活檢與組織切片在臨床應用上的經驗。報名參加可以獲得神秘小禮物,以及LiquidPlex Panel研討會專屬優惠喔!


Liquid vs. Tissue-based NGS Testing – How to Choose and When to Use?


While tissue-based next generation sequencing (NGS) testing has been regarded as the gold-standard approach, there is an increasing push for the use of liquid-based NGS testing in the research setting, given its distinct advantages of convenience and its ability to potentially account for genomic heterogeneity. There are however distinct caveats that need to be considered before we can consider the findings of a liquid-based testing approach being as representative as a tissue-based one.

This webinar will help you:

Taking lung cancer research as a prime example, evaluate the evidence of incorporating the use of NGS in the workup and management of clinical data, and how to choose between liquid- and tissue-based platforms.

講者:Dr.Herbert H. Loong

時間:2021/02/25 am 11:00-12:00




想要建置Archer AMP NGS技術來解決液態活檢的需求嗎?

